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Types of Rheostats

Types of Rheostats - Rheostats are a type of resistor with an adjustable resistance value (variable resistor). Rheostats are usually used to control electric current, especially in high-current circuits. In other words, a rheostat is a variable resistor that functions to regulate the electric current in an electronic circuit or an electrical circuit.

Rheostat comes from the Greek "Rheos" and "Statis" which means a device that controls electric current. The terms "Rheos" and "Static" were first coined by an English scientist named Sir Charles Wheatstone.

In the rheostat structure, one leg of the terminal is connected to the end of the track and the other terminal is connected to the wiper or slider of the movable rheostat. If the wiper or slider moves from one end to the other, the resistance value will change from the minimum value to the maximum value.

In general, rheostats have two terminal legs but there are also rheostats that have three terminal legs. Although there are three-legged rheostats, only two legs of the rheostat are used for electric current control and one leg that is not used must be connected to the wiper or slider terminal leg. Therefore, a potentiometer which is generally three-legged can also be modified into a rheostat. The way to modify the potentiometer is to combine one of the potentiometer terminals with the wiper or slider terminals. This construction can help reduce variations in the value of the resistance and strengthen its placement on the PCB so that it is not easy to shake.

In general, rheostats used to supply large electric currents are made of wire having a certain resistance value that is wound in a heat-resistant cylinder. A rheostat wiper or slider is a metal finger that can move across a resistance track made of coiled wire that has resistance to the rheostat.

Rheostat Main Parts and Rheostat Symbol

Rheostat Main Part

Rheostat Symbol

Type of Rheostat

There are three types of rheostats, namely rotary rheostats, slider rheostats and trimmer rheostats.

1. Rotary Rheostat

Rotary rheostat is the rheostat that is most often used as a regulator of electrical power. Most rotary rheostats use an open construction although there are also rotary rheostats with a closed construction.

To adjust the range and level of electrical power, rheostats are paired in parallel. The resistance value can be adjusted by turning the wiper clockwise or vice versa

2. Rheostat Slider

Slider rheostat or also known as linear rheostat is a type of rheostat that is widely used in research and education laboratories. The slider rheostat is made of resistance wire wound in a cylinder and insulated. The rheostat slider uses a slider to adjust the resistance value.

3. Rheostat Trimmer

A trimmer rheostat is a rheostat that has a small shape and is usually mounted on a PCB. To adjust the resistance value must use a special screwdriver.

That is the type of rheostat that can be explained on this occasion. May be useful.

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