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Types of Energy

Types of Energy - Energy has an abstract property that is difficult to prove but its existence can be felt. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy is permanent. So energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be converted from one form of energy to another.

The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be destroyed, but can be transformed into other forms. Energy cannot be destroyed but can be converted into other forms and used for energy purposes.

Energy Properties

The following are the general properties of energy:

  • Energy transformation means energy can be transformed into another form. Examples are the heat energy of combustion into mechanical energy of machines, the process of changing energy or energy conversion in turbines and pumps.
  • Energy transfer means heat energy can be transferred from one place to another or from one material to another.
  • Energy can be transferred to other objects through a force that causes friction, often also referred to as mechanical energy.
  • Energy is eternal, it cannot be created or destroyed.

Types of Energy

Here are the types of energy that exist in this world.

1. Kinetic Energy

Kinetic energy is the energy of an object as it moves with velocity V. For example, a moving car, a falling object, etc.

2. Potential Energy

Potential energy is the energy stored in an object due to its position. For example, the potential energy of a car decreases due to its height from the road surface.

3. Mechanical Energy

Mechanical energy is the total energy which is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy. Energy or mechanical work on a heat engine is the work produced by the expansion process or the work required by the compression process. For example, a water turbine will convert potential energy into mechanical energy to turn an electric generator.

4. Electrical Energy

Electrical energy is the energy associated with the flow of electrons, expressed in watt-hours or kilowatt-hours. Electric current can flow when an electric conductor is passed through a magnetic field. The transition form is the flow of electrons through a certain type of conductor.

5. Electromagnetic Energy

Electromagnetic energy is a form of energy associated with electromagnetic radiation. Radiant energy is expressed in very small energy units, namely electron volts (eV) or mega electron volts (MeV), which are also used in the evaluation of nuclear energy.

6. Chemical Energy

Chemical energy is energy that comes out as a result of the interaction of electrons in which two or more atoms/molecules are combined so as to produce stable chemical compounds. Chemical energy can occur in the form of stored energy.

7. Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is energy in the form of stored energy that is released due to the interaction of particles with or within atomic nuclei. The energy released by the particle's work results in obtaining a more stable state. The unit used is the million electron reaction. Nuclear reactions can occur radioactive decay, fission, and fusion.

8. Thermal Energy

Thermal energy is a basic form of energy where all energy can be completely converted into heat energy. An example is the heat of the earth.

9. Wind Energy

Wind energy is energy that is inexhaustible, the main ingredient is wind with a certain speed that hits the wind turbine so that it becomes mechanical and electrical motion. An example is a wind turbine to drive a generator.

That is the type of energy that can be explained on this occasion. Hopefully it can be useful.

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