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Engineering Drawing: Definition, Functions, and Properties of Drawing

Engineering Drawing - The history of communication has existed since time immemorial. In ancient times, humans communicated using images. This is evidenced by the discoveries of ancient images found on the walls of the cave. In addition to images, ancient humans also communicated with signs. The way humans communicate continues to develop today.

The communication tools used by humans are divided into four types, namely oral, written, sign and image. When someone wants to convey something such as an idea or idea, of course, it can be conveyed using one of these communication tools.

In the world of engineering, drawing are the most suitable communication tool for conveying ideas or ideas. If the idea or idea is conveyed orally, in writing or in gestures, of course, it will experience many obstacles, such as the differences in the language used in each region.

Definition of Technical Drawing, Drawing as "Technical Language"

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that technical drawing is a communication tool used by technical actors to convey ideas from a technique to others. Therefore, technical drawing is called "technical language".

Engineering drawings have been used since centuries ago and continue to develop. The first technical drawing found was a floor plan for the construction of the fort made by a Chadean engineer named Gudea.

The map of the fort was carved on stone chips and is estimated to be around 4000 years old. The floor plan is very similar to the floor plan made by an architect today.

Even though these floor plans are very old, today's architects or engineers can still read them clearly. From this, it can be seen that technical drawing is the most effective communication tool for conveying ideas or ideas when compared to other communication tools.

Good engineering drawings must be able to convey information and information accurately and objectively. Therefore, technical drawings also include descriptions in the form of symbols or writing.

Technical Drawing Function

1. Information Submission

Technical drawings serve to convey information from a designer appropriately to the people concerned.

2. Preservation, Storage and Use Description

Technical drawings are very powerful technical data. The technology and products that exist in a company are collected and condensed in the form of drawing. Drawing are saved for reuse at a later date both for improvements and changes and new plans.

3. Pouring Ideas and Thoughts

Technical drawings are used to express ideas or ideas that cross one's mind. The ideas or ideas that arise are poured into technical drawings with the aim that they do not disappear from the mind due to forgetting. The ideas that are poured into the technical drawings will continue to be improved until the results are in line with expectations.

Technical Drawing Properties

1. Internationalization of Drawing

Drawing drawn must be standardized (uniformed) internationally so that the image can be read by anyone and anywhere.

2. Popularization of Drawing

With the development of technology used by humans, the group who must read and use drawing is also increasing. Therefore, technical drawings must be introduced and popularized to the wider community.

3. Drawing Formulation

Developments that occur in human life cause frequent collaborations between different engineering fields such as machinery, structures, shipping and other fields. Each field certainly has its own standards. Therefore, to be able to unify them in a project that is done together, it is necessary to have the right formulation to identify the standard drawings of each part.

4. Systematic Drawing

In a working drawing, the content of the image displays a lot of differences. These differences are not only in the presentation of shapes and sizes but also in signs of size tolerance, shape tolerance and surface conditions as well.

On the other hand, along with technological systematics the importance of technical drawings with graphic symbols has increased and these symbols are widely used as block diagrams or process flow in various industrial fields. Under these circumstances, the expanding range and content of technical drawings greatly strengthens the arrangement and consolidation of the standard system of engineering drawings.

5. Drawing Simplification

In the process of making drawing, accuracy and speed are needed because they determine the production process. Drawings made by a drafter are very important to the production process.

In order to speed up the drawing quickly and precisely, the drawing needs to be simplified to save time and effort used in the drawing process. In addition to shortening the time, simplification of drawings is done to improve the quality of planning.

6. Drawing Modernization

With increasingly advanced technology, technical drawings are required to adapt to existing technological developments. Before technology developed as it is today, technical drawings were made manually using technical drawing equipment such as pencils, rapido, paper and other equipment.

Technical drawing is currently undergoing modernization. Technical drawings are not only drawn manually but also drawn using computer assistance. The development of drawing software such as Autocad, Inventor, Solidwork, Catia and other drawing software is carried out continuously to simplify the drawing process.

That is an explanation of the meaning, function and nature of technical drawings that can be described in this article. May be useful

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