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Types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Their Functions You Should Know

Types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Their Functions - Personal Protective Equipment or abbreviated as PPE is a tool or component of a tool used to provide protection to someone who has the function of isolating part or all of the body from potential hazards in the workplace from a greater risk of accidents.

PPE in work safety must be applied to anyone who carries out activities to ensure safety from the risk of accidents that may occur. The use of PPE is adjusted to the needs and levels of danger and risks that exist when carrying out activities by workers and people in the work environment. So that the work process is expected to take place safely and comfortably by all people and their environment.

The following are workplace criteria that are required to use PPE, namely the workplace where:

  • Manufactured, tested, used or used dangerous machines, aircraft, tools, equipment or installations that can cause accidents, fires or explosions;
  • Manufactured, processed, used, used, traded, transported or stored in explosive, flammable, corrosive, toxic, infectious, high temperature or low temperature materials or goods;
  • Undertaking the construction, repair, maintenance, cleaning or demolition of houses, buildings or other structures including water structures, underground canals or tunnels and so on or where preparatory work is carried out;
  • Conducting agriculture, plantation, forest clearing, forest working, processing wood or other forest products, animal husbandry, fishery and health field;
  • Mining and processing of rocks, gas, oil, geothermal, or other minerals is carried out, either on the surface, in the earth or at the bottom of the waters;
  • Carried out the transportation of goods, animals or humans, whether on land, through tunnels, on the surface of the water, in water or in the air;
  • Carry out loading and unloading of cargo on ships, boats, docks, docks, stations, airports and warehouses;
  • Doing diving, taking objects and other work in the water;
  • Work is carried out at a height above ground or water level;
  • Work is carried out under high or low air pressure or temperature;
  • Carry out work that contains the danger of being buried by the ground, falling, being hit by objects, falling or falling, drifting or bouncing;
  • Work is carried out in confined spaces of tanks, wells or pits;
  • Presence or spread of temperature, humidity, dust, dirt, fire, smoke, gas, wind, weather, light or radiation, sound or vibration;
  • Disposal or destruction of waste or waste is carried out;
  • Transmitting, broadcasting or receiving telecommunications radio, radar, television, or telephone;
  • Conducted education, coaching, experimentation, investigation or research using technical tools;
  • Generated, modified, collected, stored, distributed or distributed electricity, gas, oil or water; and
  • Organized recreation using equipment, electrical or mechanical installations.

Important Use of PPE

The use of inappropriate PPE will increase the risk of work accidents, for example, a worker operates a drilling machine with gloves made of material that can be wrapped around the rotation of the drilling machine and can pose a risk of accidents.

PPE that is often used at work, among others, is as shown in the following figure:

1. Helmet

Helmet serves as head protection from objects that can hit the head directly.

2. Ear Muffs

Ear muffs are ear protection devices from noise or noise pollution. Ear muffs offer better protection, as they cover the entire ear area when in use.

3. Ear Plugs

Ear plugs are earplugs that function to plug or cover the ear and aim to protect and reduce the level of noise entering the ear.

4. Glasses/Goggles

Functions as protective glasses that cover all areas around the eyes. Goggles are able to protect the eyes from dust and splashes of liquid chemicals from hitting them.

5. Respirator

Functions as a filter for inhaled air when working in places with poor air quality (eg dusty, toxic, etc.).

6. Face Shield

Serves as a face shield from splashes of foreign objects while working (eg grinding work).

7. Safety Belt

Safety belt serves as personal protection when workers work/are above heights.

8. Gloves

Serves as a hand protective device when working in a place or situation that can result in injury to the hand. The material and shape of the gloves are adjusted to the function of each job.

9. Safety Boot

Rubber boots or boots are shoes designed for workers in wet (muddy or muddy) areas. Most rubber boots are covered with metal to protect the feet from sharp or heavy objects, hot objects, chemicals, etc.

10. Safety Shoes

Safety shoes function to prevent fatal accidents that befall the feet due to sharp or heavy objects, hot objects, chemical liquids and so on.

11. Raincoat

Serves to protect from splashing water while working (for example: working in the rain or washing tools).

12. Safety Vest

Safety vest aims to reduce the impact of accidents due to contact with other dangerous objects. If workers in the field wear safety vests correctly, they will be easily seen by vehicle drivers or operators in the vicinity.

13. Coverall/Wearpack

Protect the body from things that can be dangerous and cause accidents while working. The level of protection of the work clothes provided also varies according to interests.

PPE Use Signs

In the implementation of the use of PPE, it is symbolized by signs in the area or environment that are required to use the PPE equipment. Some of the signs for the use of PPE are as shown in the image below.

Thus the discussion this time about personal protective equipment (PPE) that can be discussed. Hopefully it can be useful for readers.

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