Dimensioning Of Welds - A weld's dimensions can be added to a drawing in the following way.
The dimensions of the weld's cross section are indicated by b and are listed on the left side of the symbol. The leg length is the cross-sectional dimension that must be stated for a fillet weld. The leglength measurement is prefixed with the letter b, and the design neck thickness is prefixed with the letter a, if the design throat thickness is to be stated.Longitudinal dimensions are represented by the letter l, and they are listed on the right side of the sign. Distances between neighboring weld elements are noted in parentheses if the weld is not continuous. A fillet weld is presumed to be continuous along its whole length unless dimensional data to the contrary is supplied. The preferred leg-length measurements of fillet welds are 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, and 25 millimetres.
Table 1 shows the application of dimensions to various types of fillet welds in order to show the extent of the British Standard, which should be consulted to properly comprehend this topic. Table 1(a) depicts measurements for continuous fillet welds, (b) depicts dimensions for intermittent fillet welds, and (c) depicts dimensions for staggered intermittent fillet welds.
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